Remember RoboCop and Terminator, those movie characters from the 1980s that were part human, part robot? We call these types of creations "cyborgs," and according to the dictionary, you are one. By definition, a cyborg is a human whose ability to function relies on a machine. The most obvious cyborgs are those who need artificial limbs or other medical devices. Many of these, such as synthetic joints or heart pacemakers, are implanted in their bodies. In addition to people with physical connections to machinery, experts say that most of us are dependent on technology to aid us mentally. When was the last time you memorized a phone number, birthday, or appointment? We plug such details into digital gadgets and expect them to remember for us. The implications of this are significant and more than a little frightening. Since people's lives revolve around machines, we may be losing our abilities to be self-reliant. In other words, for the rest of our lives we'll need to be powered by not just one, but several machines!