I have signed up as an Expert, what do I do next?
Great question!
1. Check your Zmail for Leads.
2. Qualify the Leads by asking clarifying questions using Znotes.
3. Reach an agreement and connect with a Client.
Before you do anything else, remember to include us in your e-mail's safe sender list.
What is Zintro?
Zintro is a "Search and Connect Engine" that brings together professionals seeking answers to business or technical challenges with subject-matter experts for engagements ranging from brief "micro-consults" (delivered over the phone) to multi-month on-site projects.
Most experts are less focused on being paid $100 for a phone call than they are generating a lead for a project that can be worth tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. In fact, for that reason, most experts do not charge for an initial phone call (unless that one call is the entire project). Connections on Zintro can range from a phone consult worth a $100 to an expert to a screening call for a multi-month on-site project worth tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars to the expert.
“Zintro provides consultants and subject-matter experts with the benefits of an online marketing program including SEO, PPC, Social Media at a fraction of the cost (or even free) and a fraction of the time commitment. The benefits are almost immediate – most experts have leads waiting for them right after completing their profile.”
Zintro has more than 50,000 experts across every single industry sector. These experts have opted-in to receive system-matched inquiries from our almost 10,000 clients.
Over 1,000 inquiries come in every month.
Connecting with a Client is very Simple