Corporate Governance (CG) is the application of a management system in which organizations aredirected, monitored and encouraged, taking into account the relationships between owners, directors,executive officers and other control bodies and employees where the best practices procedure are takeninto consideration. Good CG practices convert principles into objectives, which, in turn, preserveresources, optimize organization’s value and facilitate access of external capital, contributing tocorporation’s longevity [8]. CG plays a key role in today’s businesses. Its application often defines howthe organization is accepted and recognized by society. Good CG practices are essential for the privatesector and have led to economic growth and promotion of social welfare, which is largely dependenton increasing investments, capital market efficiency and companies’ performance [9].Corporate governance considers what are the organization’s stakeholders’ needs, both internaland external, and what are their drivers. A driver is understood as someone, something or somesituation (internal or external) that may orient an organization and its stakeholders in the direction oftheir needs, and these should be considered, addressed and used to direct the organization’s objectives.In education, CG can be defined as the processes that guarantee the efficient and effective use ofresources to enable the organization to achieve its overall goal of transmitting established knowledgeto new generations along with the power to make this knowledge evolve. It is important to considerkey education stakeholders, as well as their drivers. The following Table 3 shows examples identifyingstakeholders, their drivers and needs.