Research in service recovery has attracted significant attention in recent years, but few studies have focused onservice recovery from both customer and expert perspectives simultaneously. This study aims to address thisresearch gap by adopting a Quality Function Deployment (QFD) approach that integrates Analytic NetworkProcess (ANP) method. The results show that among five major groups of service failure in hotels, customersperceived the most important ranking as the one covering “Guestroom”; followed by “Arrival, Billing andDeparture”; “Restaurant, Food and Beverage”; “Staff”; and “Facilities and Other Services”. While for servicerecovery, the most effective means to deal with service failures were “Immediate Correcting of Problem”; fol-lowed by “Apology”; “Replacement”; “Discount”; and then the remaining four service recovery actions. Thisstudy may contribute to the literature as an important reference for academics and professionals, specificallythose in the hospitality industry, as it identifies the critical factors of customer satisfaction to enhance the hotelservice quality.