Repsol operated Edson Gas Plant located at 04-11-053-18W5 has a design capacity of
400 mmcf/d raw inlet (10.8 mmcfd LRE net). It is a first class steam plant with sour and
sweet gas processing with deep cut facilities. The midstream pipeline infrastructure
feeding it comes from the greater Edson and Alberta Foothills areas. It is a key
processing and sales hub for the area's production. The Edson Gas Plant processes 220-
230 mmscf/d of raw gas, 2500-4000 bpd NGL, 1200-1500 bpd gas condensate, 60-75 t/d
sulfur, and 9-10MW of power. The facility has (2) MDEA amine trains, (2) sulfur trains
with 2 stage modified claus front end and superclaus tail gas cleanup, (2) lean oil
absorption trains, deethanizers and fractionation units, condensate and NGL storage
and shipping. An open cycle cogeneration facility produces the 9- 10 MW of power into
the Alberta grid. Pipeline connected to both Alliance at AB44 and TCPL. Liquids to
Plains. Current yields averaging 39 bbls/mmcf.
The LRE 13-9-55-18W5M facility produces directly to 4-11 via the Repsol Muskeg
pipeline and there is a few wells at the south end of the field that are directly connected
to the Repsol Elkton gathering system as well as controlled flow from the LRE 6-15
meter station