Charging & Cleansing Your Mojo Bag
Your Mojo Bag is sent out to you fully charged and prepared. Follow the charging and cleansing Instructions after about 1 month of use. Continue to cleanse every month.
To get the maximum benefit from your Mojo Bag it is advisable to form a link between yourself and the energy forces that will operate through it by performing the simple act of empowerment described below:
Glass of water white candle, a few pinches of salt, small table, white cloth, incense(or joss-stick) and a quiet room .
Make sure you are not disturbed unplug your telephone and close the curtains. Lay your white cloth over the table, placing your candle, glass of water and incense in the centre. Light the candle and the incense and place your Mojo Bag next to them. Turn off the lights, close your eyes and spend a few minutes thinking about what you would like your Mojo Bag to achieve.