Group performs two basic types of behaviors: Task behaviors and Social Behaviors. I will focus on task behavior to introduce the group behaviors. The Task behaviors focus on the group‘s goals and tasks. Social behaviors focus on the social and emotional needs of the group’s members. In the Task Behaviors it can divided into eight behavior, first initiator ,it mean they will proposes new ideas or new ways for the group to act. Next, information giver, they would provide data and facts for decision making. Third, information seeker, this behaviors request s more information to help in making decision. Forth, operation giver, their function are provides opinion, values and feeling. Fifth, opinion seeking, they request the operation of other in making decision. Sixth, Coordinator, They mean show relationship of idea to organize the decision. Seventh, Energizer, that mean stimulates the group to continue working and the last is Evaluator, the function is questions the group‘s ideas and procedure.
(Bonne, K, & Sheats, P (1948) Function group members. Journal of Social Issues,4,41-49.)