What is Reflective Report? The Reflective Report is an individual writing that summarizes andrecounts: (i) your experience in doing your Group Project and in working with your groupmembers; and (ii) your learning of concepts/theories/knowledge in getting your Group Projectdone in the semester. Thus, proper use of Management terms is expected.CCBS4007 Introduction to Management Reflective ReportPage 2 of 2Reflective Report Expectation:You are expected to hand in:(1) A cover page of the course with your personal details. Please include word count on thecover page.(2) In the report, you are required:i. to summarize your experience and learning in doing the Group Project of thiscourse, and to give comments on what you have learnt from it, how you canapply it to your daily life,ii. to elaborate major challenges that you have encountered in doing your GroupProject and in learning; andiii. to suggest ways/methods to overcome these challenges and to improve yourstudy in the future.