Performance objective
The candidate will demonstrate the ability to implement financial management approaches.
Assessment description
In response to the scenario provided, you will access and communicate details of budget to a team member (assessor). You will then support the team member to perform their required role with respect to software resources and systems.
1. Consider the scenario provided and tasks A and B
2. Prepare to meet with your team member (assessor) to communicate budget and then coach and train them in new role:
a. access required budget information from assessor
b. determine organisational needs
c. identify coaching/training needs of team member
d. plan coaching/ training session:
i. Outcome : team member produces spreadsheet to meet management requirements
ii. Include activities/elements to instruct, practice, test, motivate
e. Set up a time with your team member to have coaching/training session
3. Meet with your team member (assessor) to coach them in role:
a. Explain budget and relevance to team member’s accountabilities
b. Use appropriate coaching techniques or models such as grow
c. Use appropriate motivational theory
d. Train learner in required spreadsheet techniques. Include elements of instruction, practice and testing/feedback
4. Submit all documents required in the specifications below to your assessor. Ensure you keep a copy of all work submitted for your records.
You must:
● meet with your assessor to role-play support of team member
● submit coaching/training plan.
Your assessor will be looking for:
● numeracy skills to read and understand a budget and to communicate a budget
● technology skills to use software associated with financial record keeping
● knowledge of basic accounting principles to identify and use account balances in communication and training
● knowledge of organisational requirements related to financial management such as contained in organisational policies and procedures
● requirements for organisational record keeping and auditing with respect to petty cash
● knowledge principles and techniques involved in budgeting and electronic spreadsheets.
Adjustment for distance-based learners
● No variation of the task is required.
● Documentation can be submitted electronically or posted in the mail.
Appendix 1 – Scenario
Big Red Bicycle is a bicycle manufacturer based in Bendigo Victoria. The company produces bicycles which it sells to retailers for on-sale in the domestic Australian market.
The senior management structure of the company appears below: