4. In the New CSS Rule dialog box, select the following options:
Selector type: ID
Selector name: #content
Rule Definition : styles.css
5. Click OK.
6. In the CSS Rule Definition dialog box, select the following Box category options:
Width: 800px
Float: right
Padding; 5
Margin: 0
7. Click OK.
8. In the Insert Div Tag dialog box, make sure the ID field displays content, then click OK.
H. Creating the Footer
1. In the code view, click between the
ending tag of the main div and
the ending tag of the wrapper
div. Press Return to create a new blank
2. Go to Insert → Layout Objects → Div
3. In the Insert Div Tag dialog box, click
New CSS Rule.
4. In the New CSS Rule dialog box, select
the following options:
Selector type: ID
Selector name: #footer
Rule Definition : styles.css
5. Click OK.
6. In the CSS Rule Definition dialog box, select the following Box category options:
Width: 100%
Height: 50px
Clear: both
Padding; 5
Margin: 0
4. In the New CSS Rule dialog box, select the following options: Selector type: ID Selector name: #content Rule Definition : styles.css5. Click OK.6. In the CSS Rule Definition dialog box, select the following Box category options: Width: 800px Float: right Padding; 5 Margin: 07. Click OK.8. In the Insert Div Tag dialog box, make sure the ID field displays content, then click OK.H. Creating the Footer1. In the code view, click between theending tag of the main div andthe ending tag of the wrapperdiv. Press Return to create a new blankline.2. Go to Insert → Layout Objects → Divtag.3. In the Insert Div Tag dialog box, clickNew CSS Rule.4. In the New CSS Rule dialog box, selectthe following options: Selector type: ID Selector name: #footer Rule Definition : styles.css5. Click OK.6. In the CSS Rule Definition dialog box, select the following Box category options: Width: 100% Height: 50px Clear: both Padding; 5 Margin: 0