Thank you for your email and for your New Year's wishes. We wish you a Happy 2015 as well!
As we have indicated, Kahn Industries is eager to reimburse you and your colleagues for the travel and related expenses incurred during the 2014 trip to the U.S. We had originally provided two methods for reimbursement. Unfortunately, Mr. Luo Jon was unable to provide the necessary documents to allow for reimbursement either directly to CNSAC or to a bona-fide travel agency. We then worked diligently to provide a third method for reimbursement. This alternative method was incorporated in the letter sent to you on December 20. As a third alternative, this letter cannot be modified and must be utilized in its entirety. Therefore, we would request that the letter Kahn provided be placed on CNSAC letterhead (stationery) and returned to Kahn for a final review.
It then would be signed and sealed by the appropriate official at CNSAC and sent to Kahn via EMS so payment may be made. We look forward to receiving the letter on CNSAC letterhead so reimbursement may be made.
Sincerely yours,
John W. Sutcliffe, III
Sales Manager
Thank you for your email and for your New Year's wishes. We wish you a Happy 2015 as well!As we have indicated, Kahn Industries is eager to reimburse you and your colleagues for the travel and related expenses incurred during the 2014 trip to the U.S. We had originally provided two methods for reimbursement. Unfortunately, Mr. Luo Jon was unable to provide the necessary documents to allow for reimbursement either directly to CNSAC or to a bona-fide travel agency. We then worked diligently to provide a third method for reimbursement. This alternative method was incorporated in the letter sent to you on December 20. As a third alternative, this letter cannot be modified and must be utilized in its entirety. Therefore, we would request that the letter Kahn provided be placed on CNSAC letterhead (stationery) and returned to Kahn for a final review. It then would be signed and sealed by the appropriate official at CNSAC and sent to Kahn via EMS so payment may be made. We look forward to receiving the letter on CNSAC letterhead so reimbursement may be made.Sincerely yours,John W. Sutcliffe, IIISales Manager