Please answer the following questions if you come under (1) or (2) below.* If you do not come under either (1) or (2) below, you do not meet the registration requirements for the Trusted Traveler Program (TTP).(1) If you answered, “Yes” to both Questions 4 and 5, check the following.Have you attached a certificate of employment in the “Explanatory material 2” section, and a document relating to the organization of affiliation as a pdf document in the “Explanatory material 3” section? Registration will not be permitted if the explanatory material is not attached or the required documentation is lacking.(2) If you answered, “Yes” to Question 6, check the following.Have you attached the written request as a pdf document in the “Explanatory material 4” section? Registration will not be permitted if the explanatory material is not attached or the required documentation is lacking.