Second, a parallel multiple mediator model using the PROCESS macro in SPSS (Hayes, 2017) is tested, because the theoretical model proposes multiple in- direct effects (see Figure 1). The PROCESS macro is an improvement on the commonly used Sobel test for mediation as it provides bootstrapped parame- ter estimates for each indirect effect, taking into account the other indirect effects. It is similar to a bootstrapped path-analytic model and allows for an assessment of the direct and indirect effects as well as the unique contributions of each mediator (Hayes, 2017; Hayes and Scharkow, 2013). It is widely established in psychological and organizational be- havior research and has also been used in innova- tion management studies to test indirect effects (e.g., Lin, McDonough, Lin, and Lin, 2013; Todt, Weiss, and Hoegl, 2018). One of its advantages is that the PROCESS macro is more robust and requires fewer assumptions, such as multivariate normality, com- pared to covariance-based structural equation modeling (SEM). The results of these analyses are provided in Tables 6 and 7. Model 4 of the PROCESS macro is used, with 95% bias-corrected percen- tile-based confidence intervals and 10,000 bootstrap samples. In Tables 6 and 7, the dependent variable