Dear Shuo
Welcome to the first Alumni eNews for 2014. It’s been a very busy start to the year with the office preparing a calendar of exciting events and programs for our alumni. The Bentley campus is currently buzzing with excitement as we host the graduation ceremonies during February. We’d like to take this opportunity to officially welcome the new graduates to the Curtin Alumni community.
We love to hear about what our alumni are up to and encourage all alumni to participate in our social media campaign and #curtingrad when sharing your achievements and stories on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. Alternatively you can share your story here. If you'd like to see what's already been shared please go here.
2014 is set to be an amazing year full of unique events, as well as the launch of some exciting alumni programs and benefits. Check the alumni events calendar here for further details. We look forward to seeing you at an upcoming event somewhere in the world.
Warm regards
The Alumni Relations Team, Office of Advancement