discreetly: adv. carefully and sensibly; considerately; not too obviously
- His utterances were discreetly academic.
- A detective was sent discreetly to make inquiries about Miss Hutton’s financial situation.
- The industrial areas were discreetly apart, concealed from residential and recreational portions of the town.
inquiry: n. request for help or information; investigation
- I am making some inquiries about the train schedule.
- I suggest that you make a careful inquiry into the damage once again.
- I advise you make thorough inquiry about the enterprise before you embark on it.
inquiry about 请求帮助;询问
inquiry into 调查;查究
on inquiry 经打听;经询问
replacement: n. person or thing that replaces another
- A good deal of old equipment needed junking and replacement.
- Robot hands are a replacement for human hands, and wheels from a car are a replacement for human feet.