Hence, H10a was not supported in each linkage. Finally, if the direct effect estimates are notsignificant, the indirect effect estimates are significant and bigger than the direct effects esti-mates, so mediation is present. The result shows that while the direct effects of PU on AUwere insignificant (b 1⁄4 0.072; p 1⁄4 .301), the indirect effects of PU on AU through AT were sig-nificant (b 1⁄4 0.076, p , .01; 95% bootstrap CI of 0.029 – 0.150, respectively). Thus, this modelasserts that AT has a mediating effect on PU on AU and fully supports H8a.In connection with Model II, the mediational impact of AT and EI on an association betweenexogenous variables and AU was investigated. Results from the bootstrapping analysis, as illus-trated in Table 8, showed that these mediating factors significantly mediated the relationshipbetween PU and AU (b 1⁄4 0.064, p , .05; 95% bootstrap CI of 0.013 – 0.147, respectively;therefore, H12b was supported. In contrast, this result did not prove the indirect effectbetween PEoU and SN and AU so hypotheses H13b and H14b were not supported.