The experimental design with the three treatments wasarranged for every cultivar:1. Control – seeds germinated in deionized water;2. Seeds, germinated in a solution of 100mM NaCl;3. Seeds, germinated in a solution of 100mM Na2SO4.The experiment was conducted in Petri plate on filterpaper beds in a thermostat. 20 seeds were sown in Petri plateand germinated on papers imbibed in distilled water or insodium chloride solutions or sodium sulphate solutions at aproportion of 2.5 times the weight of the paper. The Petriplate incubated at 25°C. The filter paper beds were changedafter 48 hours in order to avoid salt accumulation (13).Water uptake: Water uptake was recorded for 12 hoursand the per cent was calculated under the following formula