Mixing Foo Fighters Guitars1. The first stage in getting the guitars to work is to make sure the guitars have slightlydifferent tones. Dave Grohl’s guitar tone is slightly more distorted and has a touch more weight inthe low-end in comparisons with Chris Shiflett’s. ⠀2. Mixer Rich Costey also applied a different EQ to each guitar to help improve the separation.⠀3. Costey automated gain boosts to the channels when there were melodies that needed tobe featured.⠀4. He panned the rhythm guitars hard left and right and the melodic guitars slightly insidethem.⠀Costey used two Urei 1176 compressors on Grohl’s guitar channels, to pump the sound up andgive them a more aggressive vibe while barely compressing. He used the Gates Sta-Levelcompressor on the clean guitar during the intro, with quite a lot of compression and a very slowrecovery, plus a 33609 with a very short recovery time on Chris' rhythm guitars. ⠀He EQed the octave guitars in the final chorus with an API 550a in addition to his console EQto help them cut through the plethora of other guitar channels already in the mix at that point.Costey tends not to compress distorted guitars very much as he feels it can make the tone of arecord overcooked, though he’s ready to break his own rules when if the song calls for it.⠀