Food Safety hazards may be assessed and appear at a stage of food chain “from farm to fork”, and it is the objective of the new international standard ISO 22000-2005 “food safety management systems requirements for any organization” in the food chain “ISO.2005”.This new standard dedicated to the food safety management, should supply a precious complement in the approach HACCP. Its presentation is a guide for the identification, and the evaluation and the maîtise of the sanitary risks are applicable to all the stages of food chains. His requirements concern at the same time the conditions of production and the quality of products, and his executive is the same of the norms ISO9001 or 14001, what permit a global approach (QSE), ells conferment thus an ethical approach in the activities, the result ( of an awareness of the imperatives of a sustainable development, in the implications important for the environmental and economic, social future of our systems.As far as food security is concerned, the HACCP approach dispyte all inconveniences. This approach still remains as one of the most applicable, and also it is considered as the most appropriate. The integration of a food company in a sustainable development optic, through this work, we project to associate and combine other main and tools with HACCP particularly ACV product, for a innovative approach to encircle better the problem.