Following the transcription of the interviews and the compilation of case studies, a joint analytical effort involving all three authors focused on detecting commonalities or patterns of agreement/convergence in the statements provided in relation to the basic dimensions outlined in Table 4; areas of divergence were equally noted, debated, and highlighted. The analysis of the data collected in the last section of the interview regarding conceptions of the link between CG and CSR followed a grounded theory approach as formulated by Glaser and Strauss (1967), involving a comparison of the data with theory (presented in our models) throughout the data collection/analysis process. Theory helped direct attention to important dimensions while the actual data collected helped shed light simultaneously on the theory’s suitability in light of the data being collected(Isabella, 1990). The result of this fluid movement between theory and data is, according to Isabella (1990), very fruitful in way of reconceptualization and accounting for all nuances in the data. In this respect, points that participants tended to repeat served to augment the evolving theory (Isabella, 1990).