For the purpose of comparing the two models, we used the fit indices developed for model com-parison including expected cross validation index (ECVI), Akaike Information Criterion (AIC),and the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC). Smaller values indicate better model data fit.Between these two models, the first model is superior to the other model on the fit indicesstated above (see in Table 6). The AIC values from the first model in the second model are844.301 and 1301.112. The BIC values from the first model in the second model are 1091.772and 1612.447, respectively. The ECVI values from the first model to the second model are2.116 and 3.261. The first model has the lowest values on AIC, BIC and ECVI. Thus, thesethree indices also confirm the result that the first model is better than the second model.