Fig. 6 shows the geometric structure of a typical multi-stagescentrifugal turbine. After the vapor passes through the inlet port,it enters the nozzle radially from the inside, where thermal energyis converted into kinetic energy. The kinetic energy further isconverted into mechanical energy by the rotor which also allowsvapor to radially flow into the next stage or outlet. The advantagesof this centrifugal turbine are: the specific volume of vapor graduallyincreases along the flow direction which is compatible with acontinuous increase in the cross-sectional area of the turbine. Thisfeature is well suited for the application of the organic workingfluid with large volume variation. On the other hand, the turbineblade height varies slowly in the flow direction and thus can bedesigned to maintain a constant height. The flow velocity and flowangle don't change along the blade height. Therefore, the effect offlow characteristics variation along the blade height can be ignoredduring analysis of turbine performance and force. As a result, thecomplexity of design and manufacturing can be greatly reduced.This turbine can also be used in ORC system with different massflow rates.