My personal opinion is that there is a built-in mechanism(机制) for teenagers to start to be annoyed by their parents at around the age of 12 when they become “cool”. The parents’ reaction is then negative because they are now hated instead of being admired. Most parents can’t deal with this situation and it drives them crazy. Half of parents get tired and give up all the rules, while the other half become so strict that the kids begin to hate them.
If parents want to help their teenager get through it they need to understand what is going on, which nearly all parents DON’T . This ensures that both parties will fail each other and generally cause annoyance, stress and ill will!
On the other hand, the teenager needs to understand the insecurity(不安) the parent feels as the teenager increasingly has a mind of his or her own. Sure, the kid has never done anything wrong and when the parents make improper rules or start calling that teenager certain qualities that he or she has never had, the teenager’s natural reaction is to fight back. Luckily for parents, teenagers’ first reaction is rarely to hurt their parents deeply. However, they will do other things, such as drinking, taking drugs, and having poor performance in school as revenge (报复) for the words and actions of their parents. What neither side understands is that they are hurting themselves and each other and the only cause is lacking the ability to consider things calmly for both sides. Therefore, keeping calm is the first step.
My personal opinion is that there is a built-in mechanism(机制) for teenagers to start to be annoyed by their parents at around the age of 12 when they become “cool”. The parents’ reaction is then negative because they are now hated instead of being admired. Most parents can’t deal with this situation and it drives them crazy. Half of parents get tired and give up all the rules, while the other half become so strict that the kids begin to hate them. If parents want to help their teenager get through it they need to understand what is going on, which nearly all parents DON’T . This ensures that both parties will fail each other and generally cause annoyance, stress and ill will! On the other hand, the teenager needs to understand the insecurity(不安) the parent feels as the teenager increasingly has a mind of his or her own. Sure, the kid has never done anything wrong and when the parents make improper rules or start calling that teenager certain qualities that he or she has never had, the teenager’s natural reaction is to fight back. Luckily for parents, teenagers’ first reaction is rarely to hurt their parents deeply. However, they will do other things, such as drinking, taking drugs, and having poor performance in school as revenge (报复) for the words and actions of their parents. What neither side understands is that they are hurting themselves and each other and the only cause is lacking the ability to consider things calmly for both sides. Therefore, keeping calm is the first step.