LinkedIn Groups
Group: Pharmaceutical and Health Marketing
Subject: From PharmaMKT Founder
Hi, I am Dr Lucia Muniz P, founder of PharmaMKT.
If you want to join or participate, please add me to your network. My mail is lucia.muniz@gmail.com
I want to have direct contact with all members of this group. If you want to participate, we need to be in direct contact. Please have in mind that next month we are going to start to delete members that are not in the network. We are working very hard on quality.
So add me! Lucia.muniz@gmail.com
Please dont send your email address for me to add you. We are 46,000 members and its not posible for me to add you on one by one.
Thank you and good networking!
Dra Lucia E Muniz
Posted By Dra. Lucía Muñiz