Students read both intensively and extensively in order to develop fluency and become strategic readers by acquiring the skills and vocabulary necessary to function well in non-academic reading and lay the foundation to transition to academic and professional reading. Student will increase their reading rate to 175 WPM with 70% accuracy. Some authentic reading material will be introduced at this level along with strategies for tolerating ambiguity and constructing meaning using a variety of reading skills. Students will learn to recognize common organizational patterns to answer main idea and detail questions by using acquired skills to infer and guess the meaning of words. They will analyze paragraphs for topic sentences, major and minor supporting sentences and concluding sentences.
Students will write well-developed paragraphs while increasing vocabulary, effectively applying grammar and mechanics, and demonstrating an emerging understanding of rhetoric. Students will learn to write paragraphs about topics discussed and read about in class with main ideas and supporting details that use a variety of organizational patterns, as well as to write personal letters using a variety of tenses. They also learn what a thesis statement is and how to identify one. Students will demonstrate competency in the grammatical points identified for Level Three as well as Levels One and Two. In this course, transitional phrases, present perfect/perfect progressive and simple past tenses, passive voice, reflexive pronouns, count and non-count nouns with articles and quantifiers (indefinite pronouns), coordinating conjunctions, adverb/conjunction phrases and connections with “before, after, when, because and while” are taught, practiced and assessed in the context of writing tasks.
Students read both intensively and extensively in order to develop fluency and become strategic readers by acquiring the skills and vocabulary necessary to function well in non-academic reading and lay the foundation to transition to academic and professional reading. Student will increase their reading rate to 175 WPM with 70% accuracy. Some authentic reading material will be introduced at this level along with strategies for tolerating ambiguity and constructing meaning using a variety of reading skills. Students will learn to recognize common organizational patterns to answer main idea and detail questions by using acquired skills to infer and guess the meaning of words. They will analyze paragraphs for topic sentences, major and minor supporting sentences and concluding sentences.Students will write well-developed paragraphs while increasing vocabulary, effectively applying grammar and mechanics, and demonstrating an emerging understanding of rhetoric. Students will learn to write paragraphs about topics discussed and read about in class with main ideas and supporting details that use a variety of organizational patterns, as well as to write personal letters using a variety of tenses. They also learn what a thesis statement is and how to identify one. Students will demonstrate competency in the grammatical points identified for Level Three as well as Levels One and Two. In this course, transitional phrases, present perfect/perfect progressive and simple past tenses, passive voice, reflexive pronouns, count and non-count nouns with articles and quantifiers (indefinite pronouns), coordinating conjunctions, adverb/conjunction phrases and connections with “before, after, when, because and while” are taught, practiced and assessed in the context of writing tasks.