1: ISLAMIC STATE: A multinational coalition intensified ground and air attacks against Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria, including expanded roles for Western European countries worried about IS-backed terrorism. For its part, IS sought to demonstrate an expansive reach by its operatives and supporters, claiming to have carried out or inspired the bombing of a Russian airliner, attacks in Beirut and Paris, and the deadly shooting in San Bernardino, California.
2: GAY MARRIAGE: Fifteen years after Vermont pioneered civil unions for same-sex couples, the Supreme Court issued a ruling in June enabling them to marry in all 50 states. Gay-rights activists heralded it as their movement's biggest breakthrough, but there were flashes of disapproval. A county clerk in Kentucky, Kim Davis, spent a few days in jail after refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples in her jurisdiction.
3: PARIS ATTACKS: The first attack came just a week into the new year. Two brothers who called themselves members of al-Qaida barged into the offices of the satiric newspaper Charlie Hebdo, and later attacked a Jewish market, gunning down 17 people in all. Nov. 13 brought a far deadlier onslaught: Eight Islamic State militants killed 130 people in coordinated assaults around Paris. Targets included restaurants, bars and an indoor rock concert.
4: MASS SHOOTINGS: Throughout the year, mass shootings brought grief to communities across the U.S. and deepened frustration over the failure to curtail them. There were 14 victims in San Bernardino. Nine blacks were killed by a white gunman at a Charleston, South Carolina, church; a professor and eight students died at an Oregon community college. In Chattanooga, four Marines and a sailor were killed by a Kuwaiti-born engineer; three people, including a policeman, were shot dead at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado.
5: BLACK DEATHS IN ENCOUNTERS WITH POLICE: In Baltimore, riots broke out after the death of Freddie Gray, a black man loaded into a van by police officers. In Chicago, Tulsa and North Charleston, South Carolina, fatal police shootings of black men prompted resignations and criminal charges. The incidents gave fuel to the Black Lives Matter campaign, and prompted several investigations of policing practices.
6: TERRORISM WORRIES: Fears about terrorism in the U.S. surged after a married couple in California — described by investigators as radicalized Muslims — carried out the attack in San Bernardino that killed 14 people. The rampage inflamed an already intense debate over whether to accommodate refugees from Syria, and prompted Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump to call for a ban on Muslims coming to the U.S.
7: US ELECTION CAMPAIGN: A large and varied field of Republicans launched bids for the presidency, with billionaire Donald Trump moving out to an early lead in the polls and remaining there despite a series of polarizing statements. He helped attract record audiences for the GOP's televised debates. In the Democratic race, Bernie Sanders surprised many with a strong challenge of Hillary Clinton, but she remained the solid front-runner.
8: CLIMATE CHANGE: Negotiators from nearly 200 countries reached a first-of-its kind agreement in Paris on curbing greenhouse gas emissions. Many questions remain over enforcement and implementation of the accord. But elated supporters hailed it as a critical step toward averting the grim scenario of unchecked global warming.
9: CHARLESTON CHURCH SHOOTING: A Bible study session at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina, suddenly turned into carnage when a white gunman opened fire, killing nine blacks, including the pastor. The alleged killer's affinity for the Confederate flag sparked debate over the role of Civil War symbols in today's South. In less than a month, the flag was removed from the South Carolina State House grounds.
10: EUROPE'S MIGRANT CRISIS: Fleeing war and hardship, more than 1 million migrants and refugees flooded into Europe during the year, overwhelming national border guards and reception facilities. Hundreds are believed to have drowned; 71 others were found dead in an abandoned truck in Austria. The 28-nation European Union struggled to come up with an effective, unified response.
1: 伊斯蘭國家: 聯軍加緊打擊伊斯蘭國家激進分子在伊拉克和敘利亞,包括擴大的角色為西歐國家擔心是支援恐怖主義的地面和空中襲擊。而言,它是試圖證明由合作社及其支援者,自稱有啟發的一架俄羅斯客機,轟炸或進行膨脹達到攻擊在貝魯特和巴黎,和致命射擊在聖貝納迪諾,加利福尼亞州。2: 同性戀婚姻: 十五年後開創了同性婚姻,佛蒙特州最高法院裁決在 6 月使他們能夠在所有 50 個州結婚。同性戀權利活動人士把它譽為他們運動的最大的突破,但也有閃爍的反對。縣秘書在肯塔基州,金 Davis 後拒絕婚姻許可證頒發給她管轄的同性戀夫婦在監獄裡住了幾天。3: 巴黎攻擊: 第一次攻擊只是一周進入了新的一年。兩個兄弟自稱為基地組織成員闖進了辦公室的諷刺報紙查理週刊 》,和後來襲擊猶太人的市場,槍殺 17 人。11 月 13 日帶來遠更致命的攻擊: 八個伊斯蘭國家的武裝分子殺害在巴黎周邊地區的協調攻擊 130 人。目標包括餐館、 酒吧和室內的搖滾音樂會。4: 大規模槍擊事件: 全年,大規模槍擊事件悲痛給社區帶來跨深化的挫折和美國未能加以遏制。聖貝納迪諾有 14 的受害者。九個黑人被殺被白色的槍手在南卡羅來納州查爾斯頓,教會;一位教授和八名學生死在俄勒岡州社區學院。在查塔努加,四個海軍陸戰隊員和水手殺害了一名科威特出生的工程師;三人,包括一名員警,在科羅拉多州的計劃生育診所被槍殺。5: 黑色死亡中遇到與員警: 在巴爾的摩,爆發了騷亂的房地美灰色,裝入一輛貨車由警務人員一個黑人男子死後。在芝加哥,塔爾薩和北查爾斯頓,南卡羅來納州致命員警槍擊案的黑人男性提示辭職和刑事指控。這些事件燃料給黑生活物質運動,並且提示的治安做法的幾項調查。6: 恐怖主義憂慮: 恐怖主義在美國擔心股價飆升已婚夫婦在美國加州 — — 描述由調查員作為激進穆斯林 — — 進行了攻擊,在聖貝納迪諾,造成 14 人死亡。橫衝直撞,要容納難民從敘利亞,發炎已經激烈的辯論和促使共和黨總統領先者唐納德特朗普呼籲穆斯林來到美國的禁令7: US ELECTION CAMPAIGN: A large and varied field of Republicans launched bids for the presidency, with billionaire Donald Trump moving out to an early lead in the polls and remaining there despite a series of polarizing statements. He helped attract record audiences for the GOP's televised debates. In the Democratic race, Bernie Sanders surprised many with a strong challenge of Hillary Clinton, but she remained the solid front-runner.8: CLIMATE CHANGE: Negotiators from nearly 200 countries reached a first-of-its kind agreement in Paris on curbing greenhouse gas emissions. Many questions remain over enforcement and implementation of the accord. But elated supporters hailed it as a critical step toward averting the grim scenario of unchecked global warming.9: CHARLESTON CHURCH SHOOTING: A Bible study session at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina, suddenly turned into carnage when a white gunman opened fire, killing nine blacks, including the pastor. The alleged killer's affinity for the Confederate flag sparked debate over the role of Civil War symbols in today's South. In less than a month, the flag was removed from the South Carolina State House grounds.10: 歐洲移民危機: 逃離戰爭和苦難,超過 100 萬的移民和難民湧入歐洲年內,壓倒性的國家邊境警衛和接待設施。數百名被認為已經淹死了;71 人被發現死在被遺棄的卡車在奧地利。28 國家歐洲聯盟努力拿出有效的、 統一的反應。