In preparation of my visit, which is focusing on MTM calibration and eFMEA, we need your help on below items:
1. MTM calibration list items for all the machine models in automotive products.
a. So far we have high level summary one of KnS iConn for WB and ESEC2100 for DB. Please add table of other machines used for our auto products.
b. Please also include wafer saw machines.
2. For each item, we will need explanation, what, why, how and when.
a. What’s the purpose and goal for the item to do calibration?
b. Why this item is important?
c. How to make sure the calibrate value are stable, effective and defect free?
d. When to do the calibration? i.e., frequency and occurrence.
3. How does the eFMEA items implemented in MTM calibration? Need to be item by item.
4. How does the eFMEA prevention/dection items implemented and verified?
5. Line visit, need to show how you do calibration accordingly in machines.