4.1. Implications4.1.1. Environmental SustainabilityThe resulting research added new knowledge to sporting event literature with regards to theenvironmental sustainability and urban planning [27,42,45,58,59]. Specifically, CO2 emissions ofsporting event transportation may not be exclusively aligned with urban planning theory. There islittle to no existing literature that explores the impact of spectators’ transportation modes and milestraveled on CO2 emissions in different locations in collegiate football events. on-CFE (high-density area)had significantly higher CO2 emissions than the off-CFE (low-density areas) [48]. This contrasts withcurrent literature, which found that transportation in high-density areas had less of an impact onthe environment compared to low-density areas [46,48]. The high-density structure of the on-CFElocation was not the only factor influencing CO2 emissions from spectators’ transportation. Althoughsporting events are most often associated with positive experiences, beautiful memories and symbolicmeanings, it is important to recognize that such events simultaneously contribute to the generationof pollutants and consequently sporting events have indirect negative outcomes on environmentalsustainability [3,27].
