I know that everything I am announcing to you now can shock or worry you, as all of us are afraid of changes, but I have to tell you the truth without hiding anything, because you need to start getting ready for what is going to happen from now on. Above all, maggie Ng, these changes are going to be extremely positive and beneficial, these are going to be very favorable changes that have been waiting for you for a long time. I would even go as far as to say that these are going to be the changes that are essential in your life for you to become happy.
As I have already mentioned these changes will touch 3 important areas and this appears very clearly in your astral sky. They are going to address your professional activity, your love life and your finances (I give you precise details about these changes a little bit further in the following pages of your reading). I could equally notice that you should be waiting for changes in your family life and also it appears clearly that it is going to be during the second half of the year 2015 when you will succeed in accomplishing the project that has been dear to your heart for a long time already.
Everything that I am describing to you now can be easily explained from the astrological point of view and any astrologer who will analyze your astral chart will see the same thing.
In fact, the next several months of 2015 represent the period that marks the beginning of the new cycle in your astral sky, you are going to come out from the current cycle and enter the new one. The fall of 2015 brings end to the two-year long period which you have been going through till now. Indeed, maggie Ng, it is apparent from your natal chart that at the age of 45 you have entered an astrological cycle that was not favorable to you and that lasted for two complete years leading to all these blockages and these tensions that you have suffered from and that you have been living through for the 2 previous years and in particular during the the year 2014 and in the beginning of 2015. This “negative” cycle cycle comes to in October 2015 giving room for the new cycle comes to in October 2015 giving room for the new cycle which is going to be very positive and beneficial this time. What I am telling you is an evidence when analyzing your astral sky and taking into account planetary movements and their alignment in your natal chart. Therefore your passage to this new auspicious cycle will happen in the coming months and it will last for the rest of the year 2015 and going further bringing extremely positive events and opportunities into your life, and more precisely: first of all, in terms of your love life: