Was great to meet and chat with you both.
I love this stuff and providing experiences for people of all levels is what I do best.
I actually think that too many brands, companies and gyms spend too much time focusing and trying to convert the converted.
Trying to convert a loyal Nike shoe wearing customer over to Reebok for example would cost a lot of time, money and resources. And if you can get them to change, its highly likely they will change again or return back to what they originally love after a short amount of time.
I see it with CrossFit gyms. Everyone is trying to market too, and sign up people who already know what CF is or are already members of another gym. This market is very small and once again pretty transient.
I think its important to focus on the first timer market. The people who need education and support and if you are able to get them will love and be loyal to you and your brand forever!
I have plenty of ideas and thoughts on how to promote and market to the "athlete" market but even more so on how to inspire real people to begin their fitness journey.
Also, people who are currently going through the old "Mid Life Crisis" are now focused on fitness, endurance sports and sports tech as opposed to sports cars.
What an awesome group to work with. They have time, money and motivation!
I may have gone on a bit there but I love this stuff!
I would love to get on board and work together with Garmin. I believe I could bring something fresh and new and I also have a huge community to pull from which is a great start.
If we were to proceed with working together, how would it work?
Do you have a brand ambassador program?
Have a great day and please let me know if you need anything from me.