34. What did soldiers in the helicopter see? A. People waiting for them on a glacier B. A plane that had just crash-landed C. A small boat and part of an airplane D. A yellow signal flare on a glacier 35. What did the soldiers find when they landed on the glacier? A. Written messages from the people who died B. The remains of an old helicopter C. People sitting in a lifeboat waiting for rescue D. The bodies of the crash victims 36. Why were the bodies not recovered in 1952? A. B. C. D. They were carried far away by ocean water. They sunk into the glacier and froze. The families did not want the bodies to be recovered. Soldiers could not get close enough to the lifeboat. 37. What will most probably happen now? A. Planes will be banned from B. C. D. flying over glaciers. The victims will be transferred to hospital for treatment. Air Force officials will contact the victims' families. The wrecked boat will be allowed to freeze inside the glacier.