1. Hollande vows to destroy IS after Paris attacksFrench President Fra的繁體中文翻譯

1. Hollande vows to destroy IS afte

1. Hollande vows to destroy IS after Paris attacks
French President Francois Hollande vowed to destroy the Islamic State group on Monday after its atrocities in Paris, promising tough new anti-terror measures at home and intensified bombing of Syria.
France and Belgium staged dozens of raids on suspected extremists as the manhunt continued for an eighth jihadist, including in a known radical hotspot in Brussels where some of the attackers are thought to have lived.
Describing the coordinated attacks that killed 129 people as "acts of war," Hollande urged a global fightback to crush IS and said he would hold talks with his US and Russian counterparts on a new offensive.
Hollande said the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle would be deployed to the eastern Mediterranean to "triple our capacity to take action" against IS in Syria.
"We will continue the strikes in the weeks to come ... There will be no respite and no truce," he said.
On the domestic front, Hollande called for an extension of the state of emergency by three months and announced 8,500 new police and judicial jobs to help counter terrorism.
Russian President Vladimir Putin, speaking at a G20 conference in Turkey, said the attacks proved the need for an international anti-terror coalition.
"I spoke about this at the United Nations... and the tragic events that followed have confirmed that we were right," he said.
US President Barack Obama, also in Turkey, said a new deal had been agreed with France to speed up intelligence-sharing.
His secretary of state, John Kerry, landed in Paris late on Monday to discuss the attacks and described IS as "psychopathic monsters".
2. Turkey Shoots Down Russian Warplane
Turkey has shot down a Russian warplane, claiming it had violated Turkish
airspace and ignored repeated warnings.
Russia denies that the plane crossed the Syrian border into Turkish skies.
Russia's Defense Ministry says it is looking into the circumstances of the
However, it stressed that the plane was over Syrian territory throughout the
Russia says the Su-24 was downed by artillery fire, but Turkey claimed that
its F-16s fired on the Russian plane after it ignored several warnings.
The ministry said the pilots parachuted but added that Moscow had no further
contact with them.

3. Bomb Blast in Athens

Police say that a bomb has exploded outside the building of the Federation of
Greek Enterprises, near Parliament in central Athens, causing damage but no
Police had cordoned off the area following warning telephone calls made in
Greek to two Athens daily newspapers.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility.
The blast smashed windows in several nearby buildings, including a hotel,
private apartments, and the Embassy of Cyprus. The government and opposition parties condemned the attack.
4. Cold front to move into north from tomorrow
The Central Weather Bureau says temperatures across the north are expected to
dip to as low as 13 degrees from tomorrow evening - due to the arrival of the
strongest cold air mass so far this autumn.

The bureau says the cold front will see temperatures in the north falling to
lows of between 15 and 13 degrees late Thursday and early Friday.

The weather is expected to warm up again by Saturday, with the return to
highs of around 25 degrees.

The cold air mass is not expected to affect the center and south.
5. ROC expresses condolences over Kim Young-sam's death
The government has expressed its condolences over the death of former South
Korean president - Kim Young-sam.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs says President Ma Ying-jeou, Premier Mao
Chi-kuo and Foreign Minister David Lin have asked the R-O-C's representative
office in Seoul to convey their incere sympathy to the people of Korea.

Kim was South Korea's president from 1993-1998.

He died on Saturday.

After stepping down as president, Kim visited Taiwan five times and met with
numerous R-O-C dignitaries in South Korea.

The Ma administration says he greatly contributed to increasing bilateral
ties and promoted substantive relations between the two sides.

6. Counter-terrorism efforts to be stepped-up
The Cabinet says it will work with President Ma Ying-jeou to promote the
counter-terrorism efforts.

According to the government, the prevention of terror attacks involves
defense and foreign affairs issues, which all fall within the president's

Officials have said counter-terrorism measures already taken by the
government include heightened security at airport and the preparing of
emergency response plans for venues that are vulnerable to possible attacks.

The moves comes amid concern Taiwan could become a target for an attack by
the Islamic State after the R-O-C national flag appeared in a recent
propaganda video for the extremist group.

7. Ma admin. seeking to build ties with BF's new government
The government says it is looking forward to working with Burkina Faso's new
leader to advance bilateral ties in the wake of the country's presidential

The ballot was held on November 29-th after months of political unrest.

Former prime minister Roch Marc Christian Kabor was elected president, after
he emerged the clear winner.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has congratulated the people of Burkina Faso
on opening a new chapter in the country's democracy and said Taiwan hopes to
work with the new leader to strengthen the bilateral ties.
8. Trump’s Muslim ban call 'endangers US security'
Donald Trump's anti-Muslim rhetoric undermines US national security by boosting the Islamic State (IS) group, the Pentagon has warned.
The leading Republican presidential candidate has said Muslims should be banned from entering the US, in the wake of the deadly California attacks.
But Pentagon press secretary Peter Cook said such talk "bolsters Isil's narrative", referring to IS.
There has been a global outcry since Mr Trump made his remarks.
US Secretary of State John Kerry joined the onslaught of condemnation on Tuesday afternoon when he said they were "not constructive" in the fight against IS.
The IS militants are the target of a US-led bombing campaign in Syria and Iraq.
Mr Trump announced his plan days after an attack in California raised US fears about homegrown terrorism. A Muslim couple, believed to have been radicalised, opened fire and killed 14 people at a health centre in San Bernardino.
One of the two perpetrators, Tashfeen Malik, reportedly pledged allegiance to Islamic State on the day of the tragedy.
9. TEPA minister returns from U.N. climate conference
Wei Kuo-yen, the head of Taiwan's Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), returned to the country today from Paris, where he had taken part in activities related to a United Nations conference on climate change.

The 21st session of the Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, or UNFCCC, concluded Friday in the French capital.

Although Taiwan is not a party to the UNFCCC, it had a 50-member delegation attending COP21 activities as part of a non-governmental organization under the Industrial Technology Research Institute.

Wei was Taiwan's first EPA head to take part in a COP activity.
10. Ma admin. launches climate change initiative at COP21
Environment Minister Wei Guo-yen has launched the Pan Pacific Adaptation on Climate Change on the sidelines of world climate talks in Paris.

Speaking at the launch Sunday, Wei said the initiative is aimed at helping the region deal with the effects of global warming using technology developed in Taiwan.

Wei is in Paris for the 21st session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Taiwan is not a party to the convention, but Wei is the first E-P-A minister from Taiwan to take part in events on the sidelines of the Paris summit.

He is scheduled to hold bilateral talks with environmental protection
officials from other countries during his visit.
11. Taipei hold anti-terror drill
The Taipei Joint Bus System and the Taipei City Police Department are scheduled to stage an anti-terror drill simulating an attack on the bus system next Friday.

According to the head of Metropolitan Transport Corporation, the drill has been organized in the wake of the terror attacks in Paris

City transport officials say the drill will include simulations of trying to
placate passengers, negotiating with terrorists and carrying out a
counter-terrorism raid.

12. Euphoria as landmark Paris climate deal goes through
LE BOURGET, France --Cheering envoys from 195 nations on Saturday approved a historic accord in Paris to stop global warming, offering hope that humanity can avert catastrophic climate change and usher in an energy revolution.
French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius ended nearly a fortnight of grueling U.N. negotiations on the outskirts of Paris with the bang of a gavel, marking consensus among the ministers, who stood for several minutes to clap and shout their joy, with some shedding tears of relief.
"I see the room, I see the reaction is positive, I hear no objection. The Paris climate accord is adopted," declared Fabius, the president of the talks.
The post-2020 Paris Agreement ends decades-long rows between rich and poor nations over how to carry out what will be a multi-trillion-dollar campaign to cap global warming and cope with the impact of a shifting climate.
With 2015 forecast to be the hottest year on record, world leaders and scientists had said the accord was vital for capping rising temperatures and averting the most calamitous effects of climate change.
Without urgent action, they warned, mankind faced increasingly severe droughts, floods and storms, and rising seas that would engulf islands and coastal areas populated by hundreds of millions of people.
'Met the moment'
"The Paris agreement establishes the enduring framework the world needs to solve the climate crisis," U.S. President Barack Obama said.
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結果 (繁體中文) 1: [復制]
1.奧朗德誓言摧毀是巴黎襲擊之後法國總統弗朗索瓦 • 奧朗德發誓要摧毀伊斯蘭國家集團,其在巴黎的暴行後,週一,有前途艱難新反恐怖措施在家裡和加強轟炸的敘利亞。法國和比利時作為搜捕持續了八的聖戰,包括已知的激進熱點在哪裡一些攻擊者想過住在的布魯塞爾上演數十名可疑的極端分子襲擊。描述協同的攻擊,造成 129 人死亡作為"戰爭行為",奧朗德敦促全球反擊粉碎是,並說他將與上一次新的攻勢美國和俄羅斯領導人舉行會談。奧朗德說航空母艦戴高樂將部署到地中海東部反對是在敘利亞的"三倍我們採取行動的能力"。"我們將繼續罷工在幾個星期來......會有沒有喘息的機會,沒有休戰,"他說。在國內方面,奧朗德呼籲的緊急狀態延長三個月,並宣佈 8,500 新的員警和司法工作,以説明打擊恐怖主義。在土耳其,會上 g20 峰會,俄羅斯總統普京 Vladimir 說證明需要國際反恐怖聯盟的攻擊。他說: 「 我談到這個在聯合國......,以後發生的悲慘事件已經證實我們是對的。美國總統奧巴馬,還在土耳其,說新政已達成協議,法國加快情報共用。His secretary of state, John Kerry, landed in Paris late on Monday to discuss the attacks and described IS as "psychopathic monsters".2. Turkey Shoots Down Russian Warplane Turkey has shot down a Russian warplane, claiming it had violated Turkishairspace and ignored repeated warnings.Russia denies that the plane crossed the Syrian border into Turkish skies.Russia's Defense Ministry says it is looking into the circumstances of thecrashHowever, it stressed that the plane was over Syrian territory throughout theflight.''Russia says the Su-24 was downed by artillery fire, but Turkey claimed thatits F-16s fired on the Russian plane after it ignored several warnings.The ministry said the pilots parachuted but added that Moscow had no furthercontact with them.3. Bomb Blast in Athens Police say that a bomb has exploded outside the building of the Federation ofGreek Enterprises, near Parliament in central Athens, causing damage but noinjuries.Police had cordoned off the area following warning telephone calls made inGreek to two Athens daily newspapers.There was no immediate claim of responsibility.The blast smashed windows in several nearby buildings, including a hotel,private apartments, and the Embassy of Cyprus. The government and opposition parties condemned the attack.4. Cold front to move into north from tomorrowThe Central Weather Bureau says temperatures across the north are expected to下降到低至 13 度,從明天晚上-由於的到來強烈冷氣團到目前為止今年秋天。教統局說,冷鋒會看到氣溫在北降至15 和 13 度之間週四和週五早些時候的低點。天氣預計再到週六,以回歸到熱身25 度左右的高點。寒冷的空氣品質預計不會影響的中心和南部。5.中華民國金泳三的逝世表示哀悼政府已前南逝世表示哀悼韓國總統金泳三。外務省說,總統馬英九,總理毛郭志和外交部長 David 林已要求 R O C 的代表在首爾向朝鮮人民轉達慰問 incere 的辦公室。金正日是韓國總統從 1993年-1998 年。上週六,他死了。卸任總統之後, 金五次訪問臺灣,並會見了韓國的 R-O-C 達官貴人紛繁。馬政府說他大大提高了雙邊關係和促進的雙方之間的實質關係。6.反恐努力要加強內閣說它將工作與總統馬英九推動反恐怖主義的努力。政府認為,預防恐怖襲擊涉及國防和外交事務的問題,屬於所有總統的權力。官員說,已經採取的反恐措施政府包括警戒在機場和準備的應急計畫的場地,容易受到可能的攻擊。這些舉措之際,關切臺灣可能成為攻擊的目標伊斯蘭國家後 R-O-C 國旗出現在最近的一項視頻為極端主義集團的宣傳。7.馬管理員。尋求建立與 BF 的新政府的關係政府說它期待與布吉納法索新領導人推動雙邊關系在該國總統之後選舉。經過數月的政治動盪,11 月 29 日舉行了投票。前總理羅克馬克基督教 Kabor 當選總統後他出現了明顯的贏家。外務省已向布吉納法索的人民表示祝賀開放國家的民主和表示,臺灣的新篇章希望工作與新的領導人,加強雙邊關系。8.特朗普的穆斯林禁止調用危及到美國的安全唐納德 · 特朗普的反穆斯林的言論通過促進伊斯蘭國家 (IS) 集團破壞了美國的國家安全,五角大樓已經警告。領先的共和黨總統候選人說穆斯林應該被禁止進入美國,在加州的襲擊之後。但五角大樓新聞秘書彼得 · 庫克說: 這種談話"有力推動了伊斯的敘事",指的。There has been a global outcry since Mr Trump made his remarks.US Secretary of State John Kerry joined the onslaught of condemnation on Tuesday afternoon when he said they were "not constructive" in the fight against IS.The IS militants are the target of a US-led bombing campaign in Syria and Iraq.Mr Trump announced his plan days after an attack in California raised US fears about homegrown terrorism. A Muslim couple, believed to have been radicalised, opened fire and killed 14 people at a health centre in San Bernardino.One of the two perpetrators, Tashfeen Malik, reportedly pledged allegiance to Islamic State on the day of the tragedy.9. TEPA minister returns from U.N. climate conferenceWei Kuo-yen, the head of Taiwan's Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), returned to the country today from Paris, where he had taken part in activities related to a United Nations conference on climate change.The 21st session of the Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, or UNFCCC, concluded Friday in the French capital.Although Taiwan is not a party to the UNFCCC, it had a 50-member delegation attending COP21 activities as part of a non-governmental organization under the Industrial Technology Research Institute.Wei was Taiwan's first EPA head to take part in a COP activity.10. Ma admin. launches climate change initiative at COP21環境部長魏郭彥觀望,全球氣候談判在巴黎發起了泛太平洋適應氣候變化。魏周日發射時說,旨在説明處理全球變暖影響的使用技術在臺灣開發該區域的倡議。魏為聯合國氣候變化框架公約締約方會議第 21 屆會議是在巴黎。臺灣不是公約 》 的締約國,但魏是第一 E P A 部長來自臺灣,參加在巴黎峰會期間的事件。他定于舉行雙邊會談與環境保護在他訪問期間其他國家的官員。11.臺北舉行反恐演習臺北聯合匯流排系統和臺北市警察局定于階段類比對匯流排系統的攻擊下週五一次反恐演習。都市交通公司的負責人,稱這次演習舉辦在巴黎發生的恐怖襲擊之後市運輸官員說,這次演習將包括類比的嘗試安撫乘客,與恐怖分子談判和執行反恐突擊。額外12.作為地標巴黎氣候交易順利通過興奮歇、 法國 — — 上週六歡呼來自 195 個國家的使節批准在巴黎以阻止全球變暖的歷史性協定提供希望人類可以避免災難性的氣候變化,並迎來一場能源革命。French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius ended nearly a fortnight of grueling U.N. negotiations on the outskirts of Paris with the bang of a gavel, marking consensus among the ministers, who stood for several minutes to clap and shout their joy, with some shedding tears of relief."I see the room, I see the reaction is positive, I hear no objection. The Paris climate accord is adopted," declared Fabius, the president of the talks.The post-2020 Paris Agreement ends decades-long rows between rich and poor nations over how to carry out what will be a multi-trillion-dollar campaign to cap global warming and cope with the impact of a shifting climate.With 2015 forecast to be the hottest year on record, world leaders and scientists had said the accord was vital for capping rising temperatures and averting the most calamitous effects of climate change.Without urgent action, they warned, mankind faced increasingly severe droughts, floods and storms, and rising seas that would engulf islands and coastal areas populated by hundreds of millions of people.'Met the moment'"The Paris agreement establishes the enduring framework the world needs to solve the climate crisis," U.S. President Barack Obama said."We
結果 (繁體中文) 3:[復制]



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