TEST BOARDS FOR THROUGH-HOLE PERIMETER LEADED PACKAGE THERMAL MEASUREMENTSCONTENTSPageForeword ii1 Scope 12 Normative references 13 Stock material 24 Board outline 35 Trace design 45.1 Top trace layer layout (both 1s and 2s2p PCBs) 45.2 Trace widths for 1s and 2s2p PCBs 65.3 Plated through-hole vias 65.4 Thermal pins (2s2p only) 75.5 Trace layers and connection routing 75.6 Buried layer layout (2s2p PCB only) 75.7 PCB metalization characteristics for 1s and 2s2p PCBs 85.8 Solder masks for 1s and 2s2p PCBs 86 Hand wiring 87 Data presentation 10Tables1 PCB sizes for packages 32 PCB buried plane sizes 73 Wire size current limits 84 Specified parameters and values used 10Figures1a Cross section of 1s PCB showing trace and dielectric thicknesses in package placement 2 and trace fan-out regions 1b Cross section of 2s2p PCB showing trace and dielectric thicknesses 22 Example test board outer dimensions and edge connector design 33 Traces flared to perimeter 25 mm from package body 44 Nested design with traces flared to perimeter 25 mm from largest package body 55 Traces flared to perimeter 25 mm form SIP body 56 Hand wiring test board suggestion 9-i- JEDEC Standard No. 51-10Foreword The measurement of the junction-to-ambient (RJA) thermal characteristics of an integrated circuit (IC) has historically been carried out using a number of test fixturing methods. The most prominent method is the soldering of the packaged devices to a printed circuit board (PCB). The characteristics of the test PCBs can have a dramatic (>60%) impact on the measured RJA. Due to this wide variability, it is desirable to have an industry-wide standard for the design of PCB test boards to minimize discrepancies in measured values between companies.To obtain consistent measurements of RJA from one company to the next, the test PCB geometry and trace layout must be completely specified for each package geometry tested. Such a complete specification would limit the flexibility of user companies who would like to design test boards for their individual needs. Thus, one characteristic of a test board specification is to allow some variability of PCB test board design while minimizing measurement variability.This specification is intended for use with the thermal measurements and modeling specifications grouped under the JEDEC EIA/JESD51 series, [1]. Specifically, the electrical test procedures described in JEDEC EIA/JESD51-1, “Integrated Circuit Thermal Measurement Method - Electrical Test Method (Single Semiconductor Device),” [2], EIA/JESD51-2, “Integrated Circuit Thermal Test Method Environmental Conditions - Natural Convection (Still Air), [3], and EIA/JESD51-6, “Integrated Circuit Thermal Test Method Environmental Conditions - Forced Convection (Moving Air), [4].