Multidimensional nearest neighbor search (NN) lies at the core of many computer science applications. Given a database of objects and a query, we wish to find the object in the database most similar to the query object. Commonly, the objects are mapped to points in high-dimensional metric space. In this context, given a query point q ∈ Rd and a set of points S = {pi}in=1, pi ∈ Rd, the goal is to find a point p ∈ S most similar to the query point q under some distance metric. In addition to the exact NN, many variants of this problem exist, including k-nearest neighbor, approximate nearest neighbor, fixed-radius near neighbors, and more. The NN and its variants are utilized in a wide range of applications, such as spatial search, object recognition, image matching, image segmentation, classification and detection, to name a few [25]–[29].