This is the first time, Nike hold the half marathon. Before this year, the race just is 15k .
There were 5 thousands runners joined this race.
Almost every runners paid attention to be dressed . Every runners wore nike shoes to join this event.
They looked very consistency.
The most special point was they sort runners by finished time.
There were arranged a lot of pacers. So it looked like every runners ran with pacer.
We observed this race in the start line and the finish line.
The marketing share you can refer the chart of this page.
Almost 50% runners ran with their smartphone.
No watch runners was about 30%
Nearly 10% runners, they wore running watch, like Epson/suunto/Tomtom/Garmin/Applewatch/fitbit/mi band/mio.
I asked GC team to research the date of this event. There was 92 runners wore Garmin. Just 2% of this event.