☐ Engagement and client designated in the CEAC process as “low” risk; or “medium” risk with risk management partner approval
☐ Engagement quality control review not required(except local considerations)
☐ Anticipation that there will be few significant risks
☐ RoMM due to error is expected to be low for substantially all of the relevant assertions associated with significant accounts and disclosures, and it will be possible and practical to obtain sufficient audit evidence from substantive procedures alone. However, for those processes where the standardized controls approach was applied, it is possible to rely on the operating effectiveness of controls.
☐ No plan to rely on the operating effectiveness of general IT controls. However, for those processes where standardized controls approach was applied, it is possible to rely on the operating effectiveness of general IT controls. However, for those processes where the standardized controls approach was applied, it is possible to rely on the operating effectiveness of general IT controls.
☐ No plan to use the work of internal auditors
☐ The engagement is not an audit of group financial statements