The aim of this work was not to elucidate the physicochemical
drivers of TE accumulation in plant and snails, but rather to compare
the main parameters explaining variations in TE contents in both
organisms. Our results showed that TE contents in plants and snails
were depending on very different parameters. These differences are
obviously due to the different exposition pathways, and finally to the
specific physiology of each type of organism. In fact, because of the
development of their root system, plants can accumulate TE from
deeper soil layers than do snails, which are only exposed to the topsoil
(Berger and Dallinger, 1993). Moreover, the activity of plant roots and
associated microorganisms may trigger localized soil modifications,
leading to a significant increase or decrease of pH, redox potential
and/or organic matter content (Ehrenfeld, 2013). Thus, these so-called
rhizosphere processes, can considerably modify the speciation of TE
(Kabata-Pendias, 2004) and their availability for plants; at the opposite,
snails do not significantly modifysoil properties and havevery likely no
effect on TE speciation (Coeurdassier et al., 2007). Also, the fate of TE in
plants and snails is very different, in that snails are able to excrete some
accumulated TE (Gimbert et al., 2008b), while in plants they are stored
in the roots or above ground tissues but are rarely excreted (Weis and
Weis, 2004). Lastly a major difference between these biological receptors lies in their source of contamination. Indeed plants are mainly
exposed to TE via the soil, whereas snails are exposed to both soil and
contaminated plants. Our results indeed confirmed that both sources
of contamination had a significant influence on snail's TE content.
The aim of this work was not to elucidate the physicochemicaldrivers of TE accumulation in plant and snails, but rather to comparethe main parameters explaining variations in TE contents in bothorganisms. Our results showed that TE contents in plants and snailswere depending on very different parameters. These differences areobviously due to the different exposition pathways, and finally to thespecific physiology of each type of organism. In fact, because of thedevelopment of their root system, plants can accumulate TE fromdeeper soil layers than do snails, which are only exposed to the topsoil(Berger and Dallinger, 1993). Moreover, the activity of plant roots andassociated microorganisms may trigger localized soil modifications,leading to a significant increase or decrease of pH, redox potentialand/or organic matter content (Ehrenfeld, 2013). Thus, these so-calledrhizosphere processes, can considerably modify the speciation of TE(Kabata-Pendias, 2004) and their availability for plants; at the opposite,snails do not significantly modifysoil properties and havevery likely noeffect on TE speciation (Coeurdassier et al., 2007). Also, the fate of TE inplants and snails is very different, in that snails are able to excrete someaccumulated TE (Gimbert et al., 2008b), while in plants they are storedin the roots or above ground tissues but are rarely excreted (Weis andWeis, 2004). Lastly a major difference between these biological receptors lies in their source of contamination. Indeed plants are mainlyexposed to TE via the soil, whereas snails are exposed to both soil andcontaminated plants. Our results indeed confirmed that both sourcesof contamination had a significant influence on snail's TE content.