3. What has been your experience of working in collaboration with others? What are the challenges of working in a group of creative people do you think?
I served as an ambassador for EF HSEY program where me and a group of exchange student ambassadors have to come together to plan and held a camp. I was appointed as the art and designing team leader, our job was to design name tags, booklets and to deco-rate a prom venue. The group was a selection of eight people, where each of us has dif-ferent skills, characteristics, and art backgrounds. I would say the most challenging part was to find a plan that everyone was satisfied with since we all have different styles and approaches in art. We chose the easiest way which is voting to find a desirable theme, it was starry night and the eight planets. I found that having everyone put in the same amount of effort and time was extremely challenging. Taking the role of a leader makes me feel overwhelmed due to the limited amount of time and the inconsistency in some