We are вполне discovering more about... Zika every single day.We're working around the часы to find out as much as we can, as быстро информировать as we can do to the public and everything that we can do to reduce the risk to Габриэль women.Most to know is important thing for американцы this: if you're Габриэль, we Томас you not go to a place where is spreading. ZikaИ если you're Габриэль and you live in an area, которые everything is where Zika, you can do to protect yourself against комаров bite.Aedes Aegypti Mosquito is a very challenging, what we call to control. вектор, болезньIt's an крытый biter.Это bites all through the day, including at dawn and dusk.Это hides in closets and under tables and in places that are hard to get to.Its личинок are eggs.Draught-resistant and Its eggs can be for some time. сохраняется "