MOCK DOOR TRAININGE-1. The bullets listed below serve as the standard guideline that will be followed. Information can always be added to the brief, but never take away from the standard outlined; so long as the fundamentals never change. This brief follows the logical progression of a jumper safely exiting an aircraft (static line control and exiting procedures) followed by all subsequent adverse actions (red light procedures, jump refusals, and towed jumper procedures).E-2. During the first half of the brief, jumpers are oriented around the mock door, receiving the brief from a well-rehearsed jumpmaster team. Prior to beginning the second half of the brief (emergency procedures) jumpers are placed in reverse chalk order and loaded into the mock up for the brief, and performance oriented training. If using a nonstandard or foreign aircraft where the specific emergency procedures are not known, they may be briefed by the loadmaster, but all actions involving the jumpmaster team must be rehearsed. The standard guideline is:Static line control:Hook up.Bite.Arm position.Control of static line.Exiting procedures:“STAND-BY” (actions of the number one jumper and safety).Movement to door or ramp.Proper hand off of static line to the safety.Proper exit (first point of performance).Red light procedures:Reasons for red light.Actions of the JM team.Actions of the jumpers.Jump refusals:Jumpmaster actions (repeat three times, physically and verbally).Safety removes jumper and gives lawful order.Jumpmaster controls jump door.Positive control and transfer of Jump refusal to DACOTowed jumper procedures:Jumper actions (conscious and unconscious).Jumpmaster actions and identification (green/ yellow).Note. Jumpers seated in mock doors in chalk order for performance-oriented training.Emergency procedures:Ground evacuation.Crash landing or ditching.Activation of reserve inside the aircraft: doors closed, doors open (fore), and doors open (aft).Fire in flight.Bailout.Execute mock door training:The jumpmaster team may exit the jumpers from the mock doors as many times as they feel necessary.Jumpers are required to perform at least two exits, with the last exit being conducted as planned for the Airborne operation.Note. All topics must be covered. The training must be tailored to the aircraft that is being utilized.