Phases 2 and 3: themes identified from feasibility andusability testingTwo focus groups involving seven patients with type 2diabetes (3 and 4 participants in groups 1 and 2 respect-ively) were conducted during the feasibility testing. Thefirst cycle of usability testing included 10 participants,followed by two additional cycles, each with 3 partici-pants (total n = 16 for Phase 3). Thus, in total, weconducted 5 cycles of feedback and redesign. Becauseanalysis of both datasets identified very similar themes,we report the results from Phases 2 and 3 together.Demographic characteristics for the entire sample of 23patients are listed in Table 1. Five themes were identi-fied: 1) Desire for information and for greater access totimely and personalized care to gain a sense of controlof their disease; 2) Desire for community (sharing expe-riences with others) to fulfill practical and emotionalneeds; 3) Potential roles of an online self-managementwebsite in self-empowerment, behavior change, self-management and health care delivery; 4) Importanceof a patient-centered perspective in presenting content(e.g. common assumptions, medical nomenclature,language, messaging, sociocultural context); 5) Barriersand facilitators to use of a self-management website(including perceived relevance of content, incorporation