I still need Shampoo, Detergent, washing body,toothpaste.....everything is need money to buy. And clothes to wear, serve for my working and my enjoy. My wife very life fashion, she current pregnant but she still buy fashion for pregnant women. She is a girl so she use perfume,shampoo, washing body more than me. My parents always request to buy supplyment for them too. A bottle like this is not cheap. And manythings need to use daily, monthly,. And electric,water fee. I still share with my parents. And food,water still need buy it, everything is not free in Singapore. And now everything always up up up, but salary is not up up up. And my mon sick, she still take medical mental every day, if not she become crazy,cold people and hit my dad. And handphone biill, pay everymonth, nut a day as i pay 1 $ for my handphone bill. And take bus, MRT to come my workplace, a day about 4$ for round trip. My workplace very far from my home. And toilet paper for my parents, nail polish for my wife, 2 days she change 1 time. And she go out,she always make up, Lip stitch, powder for her.
我仍需要洗發水、清潔劑、清洗身體、牙膏......一切都是需要錢購買。 和衣服穿,為我的工作和我國享受。 我的妻子很生活時尚,她現時懷孕,但她仍會購買時裝的懷孕婦女。 她是一個女孩,她使用香水、洗發水、清洗身體比我更多。 我的父母總是要求為他們購買supplyment太。一瓶想這是不便宜。 和manythings需要使用每日、每個月。 和電力、水資源費。 我還同我的父母。 和食物、水仍需要買它,一切都是不自由的新加坡。 ,現在一切都一直起到了,但薪酬是不起來了。 和我Mon病人,她仍然採取醫療精神每一天,如果不是她成為瘋狂、冷酷的人,打到我爸爸。 biill和手提電話,薪酬everymonth、螺母一天,我需多付1美元,我國手提電話條例草案》。 和採取巴士、地鐵,走到我工作的地方,一天大約4元,來回。 我工作的地方很遠從我的家。 和衛生紙,我的父母、指甲油,我的妻子,她改變2天1次。 和她出去,她總是彌補,唇縫、粉 她.