[Note3] In general PDO requires coating systems to be of medium durability that is 10-15 years life. Coating that are qualified as per ISO 12944-2 with selected environment classification of C5-I which is designed for industrial areas of high humidity and aggressive atmosphere can be accepted provided the qualification is conducted in third party laboratory that has ISO 17025 accreditation. For the facilities which are located within 50 km from the coast, the selected environment shall be C5-M which is designed for corrosive coastal exposure with aggressive industrial environment. Testing requirements for Buried structures, pipings, vessels PCS4,PCS5,PCS6, The required tests for wrap coating system are based on ISO 21809-3 and DEP Some of the tests require aged samples of the coating system. Aging of the samples must be accomplished in two ways: according to ISO 21809-3 Annex N (dry 100 days at +90C) and according to Shell shrink sleeve document MF95/0290-Rev 1 (immersion in water for 100 days at +90C). All tests on steel pipes will be conducted on carbon steel pipes with 100mm pipe diameter, in three fold.