Your name is Jake English, and you could hardly believe your luck. You had found a job opportunity so quickly.Of course, Jane had offered you a paid position in her cupcake establishment, but you didn't exactly have a hand at baking. You supposed you could have, and would have, manned the register, but where was the adventure in that? Granted, there wasn't much adventure to be had in being a nanny for a grown man, but there was certainly more than working a typical nine-to-five and feeling like another cog in the industry machine.Of course, you weren't about to tell Jane that. You could just see her now, fists clenched around a large wooden spoon, eyes blazing with both defensive fire and barely held back tears as she told you off. Owning a business was her dream, not yours.She had been very excited about the prospects of working with you, and you had been wondering just how you were going to turn her down. Then, as if by a miracle, the opportunity presented itself. And it was one Jane certainly could understand. She, after all, had the reassurances of Roxy, and after the incident outside her bakery, she could easily see that your help was probably needed. She couldn't very well get mad at you for helping a blind man in need, could she?As strange as being a nanny sounded, you were rather excited about it. You loved the prospect of not having to work in a typical work setting, dealing with customers, and wearing stifling uniforms. Next to that, spending your days watching over a blind man, doing a little housework, maybe some errands, and overall just relaxing with someone who you hoped might become a friend seemed like a much better deal."That's obvs the kitchen." Roxy was saying, waving a dismissive hand at the kitchen in question. "That's obvs the living room." She waved her other hand opposite the kitchen. The living room sported a cozy looking leather couch, and two matching, comfortable looking chairs. A coffee table, covered in chip bags and game controllers, stood in front of the couch, and everything faced the rather complex entertainment system with a large TV. The wall on the opposite end of the living room was mostly glass windows, as well as a sliding door that led to a balcony that overlooked the city. The Strider apartment was on the top floor of their building and had a wonderful view. It was a shame the elder Strider couldn't see it."Back here we have Dirk's rooms." Roxy led him past the kitchen and living room into a small hallway. There was a room to the right and one to the left. She waved a hand to the right and you peered past her into the open doorway. "That's Dirk's room. He's got a bathroom in there, too. And over here is Dirk's office slash workroom slash junk room.""It's not junk." You heard Dirk say loudly, and you peered over your shoulder at the blond man sitting on the couch. He lounged, feet on the coffee table and fingers idly tapping the arm rest. His head was facing across the room at the blank TV, but you had no doubt that he was listening intently."Right, no junk, his 'lively-hood'." She used air quotes at this and rolled her eyes. She continued in a softer voice. "It's his junk pile. He hasn't really worked on any projects since, you know..." She trailed off and waved a hand in front of her eyes to indicate what she meant.You lowered your voice, hoping he couldn't hear. Is he, you know, work?"Roxy waved your concerns away. "Oh yeah, he's perfectly capable. He's just a LAZY BUTT." She said these last two words loudly, to ensure he could hear. You heard a vague grunt from his direction.You shifted to look past her into the room. It had a desk with an elaborate computer set up, several tables, and several crates and boxes. There were pieces of scrap metal, wires, and tools here and there, but it seemed like most of the "junk" Roxy referred to was still boxed up."Fascinating." You mumbled, a little in awe at the mysterious boxes."But enough about Dirk, he's boring." Roxy grabbed your arm and towed you back into the living room, pushing you into one of the chairs. She sat on the coffee table, crossed her legs, and leaned back on her hands. "Tell us about you. I can't entrust Dirky-poo here to just anyone."You smiled at this and glanced at Dirk. He wore his ridiculous triangular sunglasses, but you could still tell he was glaring."Um, what about those rooms?" You asked, pointing toward the small hall opposite the apartment from Dirk's."Just Dave's room and bathroom." Dirk said, surprising you. You had expected Roxy to answer."Oh, right-o. That would make sense, now wouldn't it?" You gave a soft, nervous laugh.