miss you too.
I don't think you know how I feel.
I told you what happened before and I had forgiven you.
But you never told me you were sorry.
You didn't do anything to win back my trust...you only accused me of doing the same thing, which is not true.
Then you acted so far away from me, like i'm a stranger...ask me for me pic.
I have been here telling over and over again that I love you...but you act like
I am not important to you anymore...like you don't care about how much you hurt me
when I sent you a lot of money then you tried to meet a guy in Beijing.
you don't try to win my trust...I want to forget that thing happened and be yours again.
but the way you behave to me is like I never existed to you before.
the pic I sent you was a business pic only not a good resemblance pic of me.
I have had you in my heart for all these years.
what happened before is the reason I stopped trying to get you over here.
do you remember at all about when I was making arrangements to bring you over here?
it was during that time that I sent you money...then you were trying to meet someone in Beijing.
you should be here already or I should be there...we should be married by now.
but you behave towards me like you don't care.
I don't know if you understand. you should be trying very hard to win my trust...if you loved me.