The dependent variable Event denotes one of the four corporate events of litigation, action, delisting, or bankruptcy. Litigation is a dummy variable that equals one if there is securities class action lawsuit filed against the rated firm after the release date of the rating, and zero otherwise. Action is a dummy variable that equals one if there is an accounting-related SEC enforcement action against the firm after the release date of the rating, and zero otherwise. Delisting is a dummy variable that equals one if the company is delisted (nonmerger related delistings) after the release date of the rating, and zero otherwise. Bankruptcy is a dummy variable that equals one if the company files for bankruptcy after the release date of the rating, and zero otherwise. Here again we pay special attention to the dates of the SEC enforcement actions, bankruptcy, etc., and the rating announcement date. For example, if the company goes bankrupt in May 2004 and the TCL rating is announced in August 2004, then we assign the bankruptcy dummy for 2004 a zero value.