Hello dear, how are you and also how is your work?? My name is George Wood, i am a construction Engineer and currently am working with the United nations here in Iraq for the past 18 months under the united nations developing programs that is going on round the war affected places in the world, we are here on rehabilitation of vandalized Government properties, some of my colleagues are in some other war affected areas like Afghan and Pakistan. However i will be finishing in 2 weeks time, and have some plans of Moving to Asia to setup my own company.. I was born in San Francisco USA and i grown up in USA but i study my masters in London England because my dad was working in Shell oil company in Brunei at that time but right now my dad is dead he passed away last year, my mom is still alive and she is living in Los Angeles and right now she is quit old.
I am the only child of my parents and i have been single for almost 2 years now without any woman around me, because my heart was broken and i was disappointed so badly by the woman i once loved she cheated me behind my back she was having a relationship with the boss of her company so when i discovered about it i just have to break up with her and that was why i have to forget everything about a relationship and concentrate much on my work day and night.
My favorite color is white and Blue and my hobbies are:- I like traveling, i like singing, i like dancing, i like listening to cool songs, i like going for fitness and swimming whenever i am free from work, i like shopping, i like watching sports and i also like play sports as well... my dislike is i hate lies and cheats with all my heart.
However, right now i have realized that a life without True love is a worthless life because i know ( TRUE LOVE IS THE GREATEST GIFT OF LIFE ) Miss beauty right now all i need in my life is someone that is very honest, kind, open minded, caring and easy going... when i saw you i must confess i really like everything about you that was why i sent you a message in the first place. I know it's God that made me to be able to come across your profile and i believe that if we are destiny to be together nothing is going to ever stop it. So please miss beauty it's your turn now please tell me everything about yourself??? Can you Tell me more about you, your work and your family
What qualities are you looking for in a relationship?
how do you spend your free time?
what makes you laugh?
What are you most proud of?
What's your age?
I am waiting for your reply, take very good care of yourself and have a wonderful moments thanks.
Yours Sincere