Good morning,Attached find our latest catalogue Revision E3.0. This catalogue replaces all previous catalogues with immediate effect.New additions to the catalogue is highlighted in Yellow.Please contact us if more information or photos of the plants are required.NOTICE:This catalogue quote prices in South African Rand (ZAR).We used to quote in US$, but with our last payment (In US$) the payment has been (and still is) delayed by the American bank where our customer's bank is trying to buy US$.The details are (As far as we can determine): Payment was made to a German bank (Deutche Bank) on 6 December 2019 by our client buying plants from us. The German bank then transfer the money to an American bank to buy US$ (we do not know the exact bank name). The American bank is now questioning the transaction and require details of anybody involved. This was not communicated to us or to our client and we found out about this delay and requirement only after follow up from our client to the state of the payment.We have answered the questions, but do not know when the money will be released by the American bank.Thus paying in US$ has caused a delay of more than a month to date and we cannot proceed with the order and there is still no clarity on when the payment will be released.We thus are quoting now in ZAR to enable our client's banks to make direct payment to our bank in South Africa without involving the American bank system.We apologize for any inconvenience.Kind regardsJakkie Pieterse