Risk-neutral higher moments seem to be related to stock re-turns. For skewness, Xing et al. (2010) and Stilger et al. (2017) document a positive relation, while Conrad et al. (2013) find a negative impact of option-implied skewness on future stock returns.Bali and Murray (2013) find a negative impact of option-impliedskewness on future option returns. Borochin et al. (2018) document the differential pricing of short-term and long-term option-implied skewness in the cross-section of stock returns. For kurtosis, Conrad et al. (2013) report that risk-neutral kurtosis and stockreturns are positively related. Amaya et al. (2015) investigate theasset pricing implications of realized moments and show that re-alized skewness is negatively priced while realized kurtosis doesnot seem to be priced. As opposed to these studies, we do not examine the effect of the level of higher moments but test whetherthe joint persistence of the option-implied central moments affectsfuture asset returns.The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.Section 2 describes our data set and the estimation methodology. In Section 3, we test whether the joint persistence of the22 F. Hollstein, D.B.B. Nguyen and M. Prokopczuk / Journal of Banking and Finance 105 (2019) 20–35option implied distribution’s central moments is priced in thecross-section of stock returns. Section 4 analyzes the persistenceof individual moments. Section 5 presents various additionalanalyses and robustness tests. Section 6 concludes.
Risk-neutral higher moments seem to be related to stock re-<br>turns. For skewness, Xing et al. (2010) and Stilger et al. (2017) document a positive relation, while Conrad et al. (2013) find a negative impact of option-implied skewness on future stock returns.<br><br>Bali and Murray (2013) find a negative impact of option-implied<br><br>skewness on future option returns. Borochin et al. (2018) document the differential pricing of short-term and long-term option-implied skewness in the cross-section of stock returns. For kurtosis, Conrad et al. (2013) report that risk-neutral kurtosis and stock<br><br>returns are positively related. Amaya et al. (2015) investigate the<br><br>asset pricing implications of realized moments and show that re-<br>alized skewness is negatively priced while realized kurtosis does<br><br>not seem to be priced. As opposed to these studies, we do not examine the effect of the level of higher moments but test whether<br><br>the joint persistence of the option-implied central moments affects<br>future asset returns.<br>The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.<br><br>Section 2 describes our data set and the estimation methodology. In Section 3, we test whether the joint persistence of the<br><br>22 F. Hollstein, D.B.B. Nguyen and M. Prokopczuk / Journal of Banking and Finance 105 (2019) 20–35<br>option implied distribution’s central moments is priced in the<br>cross-section of stock returns. Section 4 analyzes the persistence<br>個別時刻。第5節禮物各種附加<br>的分析和魯棒性測試。第六部分是結論。