We take your server experience very seriously and are always looking for ways to improve our services. To that end, we are changing how your servers send email. Instead of always sending through one set of relay servers, which may get bogged down with traffic, we created a dynamic system that routes your email to whichever set of relay servers are the most available.
For this system to work, you need to follow the steps outlined below to change smarthosts for your particular operating system and control panel. If you have any issues, please join a chat with one of our Server Concierge representatives by clicking the Chat Now button in your Hosting Control Panel.
To update your relay server on Linux, you need to access your server via SSH. You need to use an SSH text editor such as Vim.
To Update Your Relay Server Using Vim
1. Once you connect to the server via SSH, type vim and the file name. For example: vim /etc/postfix/main.cf (be sure to include a space after vim).
2. Press the i key to enter Insert mode.
3. Update your relay server to dedrelay.secureserver.net.
4. Press the ESC key to exit the Insert mode.
5. Type :wq! and then press enter to save your changes.